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HERE'S A DAY IN THE LIFE AT SUNDANCE COUNTRY CLUB RANCH: Please imagine this scene: From the kitchen window, or from the Adirondack chairs on the covered front porch of your cabin-style apartment (with a big wrap-around picket-fenced yard); you view horses munching away in sunlit pastures in all directions, 20 acres surrounded by a solid, private wall of trees, lilac trees filling the air with their intense fragrance in the warm months, brilliant red cardinals darting from feeder to feeder year round.

Homework done, boys and girls gather outside playing basketball or jumping on the trampoline, dogs flopped out watching. In the warm months, when they get hot they jump in the above-ground pool, or the pond. Sixteen-year-old Josh, a twelve-year resident, rod on shoulder and dog Gracie by his side, strolls by on his way down to the pond to fish from the Ranch canoe or from the dock. I'm practicing my chip shot on the huge lawn in the pleasant evening while watching Carissa put her horse Sioux through her paces in the show-size riding ring, while Cheyenne is lunging Daisy Dukes in the training pen. When it rains, we just move it all to the covered riding area.

In the summer, there are delicious tomatoes spilling forth from gardens up and down the row, everyone with plenty to share. Last year I led the summer gardening pack, reaping giant heirloom tomatoes and delicious white eggplant, which I cooked up into various creations tasted by all at our cookouts, along with my TRULY AWESOME made-from-scratch whole wheat bread made into Bruschetta toast with homegrown tomatoes -- yum! I think we are a bunch of foodies. This year the garden of the summer award goes to Chris and Kim and Georgia, with loads of tomatoes and squashes falling over their shared raised bed behind their homes.

You go play a game of pool or darts with your buddies in the clubhouse, or go out back to our shooting range for some target practice. Or after dinner, you might head over to the compost pile to add your coffee grounds and egg shells, stopping last at the cozy bonfire out front or the cool pool out back to end the day.

These are real people and that's what life is like here. Are you looking for a really beautiful and fun place to live, one that actually welcomes your pet friends and horses? We are Sundance Country Club Ranch, a small 11-unit community of truly great people, ordinary folks who are animal lovers and nice people every one, on a peaceful, 20-acre pond-front country estate near the Neuse River, just 7 miles east of I-95 at Smithfield, NC (just take Exit 93, which is Brogden Road, 7 miles east, then right on Brogden School Road; we're the second paved left, about 1/2 mile from Brogden Road.






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